Following the recommendation of the Synod it has been decided to establish a Parochial Church Council.

Membership for the new council  includes John Ash (Vice-chair), John Dawson, Hugh De 
Las Casas, Rhona Lewis, Ian Linden, Caroline Mackenzie, Patricia Newton,  Chris Quinn (Chair), Helen Stanley, Barbara 
Wallis and Fr David.

Meeting of the Parochial Pastoral Council:

Meetings of the Council will take place in the Parish Hall, Leiston.

The Council has ten members currently, but all members of the parish are invited to attend and contribute. An agenda will be published nearer the time and the minutes of the meeting will be published afterwards.

An important item on the agenda will be questions the Bishop will be circulating as part of his consultation on structures in the diocese.

If you would like any more information, or would like to attend but need lift, please contact

Chris Quinn, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.